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Part Time fresher work independently jobs in manila
Freelance fresher work independently jobs in manila
Walkins fresher work independently jobs in manila
Work from Home fresher work independently jobs in manila
Fresher Work Independently Jobs in Manila
Billing Assistant
Veryancy Inc
Permanent Job
Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks
Attention To Detail
Excellent communication and customer service skills
Effective telephone skills
Ability to make suggestions on workflow or system efficiency and effectiveness
Strong level of confidentiality due to the sensitivity of materials and information handled
Proficiency with computers
Excellent organizational skills
Proficient In Microsoft Office
Ability to perform functions with minimal supervision
Knowledge of invoicing and billing procedures
Strong organizational and time management skills
Ability to work in a fast paced environment
Organizational Skills
Ability to prioritize tasks
Ability to work independently and in a team
Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
Ability to work at a high-volume level of accuracy
28 days ago
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fresher work independently Jobs
fresher work independently Jobs In manila
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