Project, configure, implement, and maintain all security platforms and any other related software, such as routers, intrusion detection or intrusion prevention, firewalls, and SIEM
Provide Network Security recommendations based on current trends and practices to the Network manager.
Plan and appraise ongoing assessment of application control, firewall, SIEM, VPN, SSL, intrusion detection or intrusion prevention, and other network security component policies with the IA department.
Guarantee network security best practices are executed through auditing: router, change control, switch, firewall configurations, and monitoring
Assist IT Security for periodic vulnerability testing, and lead remediation projects
Coordinate and assist other IT teams with log analysis, traffic flow monitoring, and other network security troubleshooting when needed.
Maintain network security devices to enable proactive defense of network infrastructure, providing protective monitoring to mitigate network downtime.
Work under the direction of the Network Manager to maintain security devices and show practical experience in managing SIEM environments, firewalls, content filters, NIDS, NIPS, proxy servers, HIPS, and packet capture devices.
Work within the IT team and Business stakeholders to form and fix appropriate policy and signature rules. This comprises tuning and development of the creation of custom intrusion detection and SIEM signatures and rules, including the efficient onboarding and understanding of varying application log sources into SIEM environments
Work in collaboration with appropriate stakeholders to ensure users have devices that are fully operational and secure
Work under strict change control processes to ensure only authorized changes are made to network security devices
Collaborate within the IT department or other departments on network security-related items and any other duties as assigned by the IT network manager.
At least five (5) years of experience in the same capacity.
CISCO and CCNP Security are a must.
Minimum three (3) years of experience identifying threats and developing appropriate protection measures.