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CSS Interview questions and answers

In every industry, the use of web applications and web pages is increasing. CSS is one of the most important features of web development. This is a language that helps to describe the appearance of web pages. That’s why it is important to cover up all the advanced portions of the CSS. So, if a person wants to become a good web developer and crack the interview of the web developer, you need to learn CSS and know the common CSS interview questions. 

CSS has become an essential piece of website architecture. It characterizes how alluring your page is initially. An association will consistently lean toward a web engineer with a solid order over CSS as they want them to produce modern and stylish designs. 

To build a career as a web developer or designer, candidates need to answer the interview questions in which the candidates are asked various CSS interview questions. 

Following is a rundown of CSS3 interview questions and answers, which are as often as possible asked during the meeting or viva test. Up-and-comers will probably be asked essentially to cut edge level CSS interview questions and answers relying upon different variables. The underneath list covers all the significant interview questions on the CSS framework for freshers and experienced experts. This CSS Interview questions guide will help you clear the meeting and assist you with landing your fantasy position.

Easy CSS interview questions and answers 

  • What do you mean by CSS? 

This is the most basic CSS interview question; CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. It is a styling language that is basic enough for HTML elements. It is mainstream in web planning, and its application is not unexpected in XHTML too. 

  • For what reason was CSS created? 

A CSS interview question based on the background is most likely to be asked;

CSS was first evolved in 1997 as a manner for web designers to characterize the visual appearance of the pages that they were making. It was proposed to permit engineers to isolate the substance and construction of a site’s code from the visual plan, something that had not been conceivable before this time. 

The division of construction and style permits HTML to perform a greater amount of the capacity that it was initially founded on — the markup of content, without agonizing over the plan and design of the actual page, something usually known as the “look and feels” of the page.

  • What are the various varieties of CSS? 

The different variations of CSS are:- 

  1. CSS 1
  2. CSS 2
  3. CSS 2.1 
  4. CSS 3
  5. CSS 4 
  • What are the advantages of utilising CSS? 

There are several advantages of utilising CSS; for instance, 

  • Openness
  • Site-wide consistency 
  • Page reformatting 
  • Partition of the transfer speed of the show
  • Data transfer capacity 
  • What are the burdens or disadvantages of CSS? 

The drawbacks of using CSS are:- 

  • There are no articulations 
  • Vertical control is restricted 
  • Target explicit messages, styling, and administers are not permitted.
  • There is no unique conduct to control pseudo-class.
  • It’s anything but conceivable to climb by selectors.
  • The segment assertion isn’t there.


  • Name some CSS frameworks. 

The following are the unmistakable CSS framework in the web improvement industry today: 

  • Bootstrap 

Bootstrap is the most mainstream CSS framework for creating responsive and portable first sites. Bootstrap 4 is the most up to date form of Bootstrap. 

  • Foundation  

The foundation is a responsive front-end system. It provides a response matrix and HTML and CSS UI segments, layouts, and code pieces, including typography, structures, catches, route and other interface components, just as discretionary usefulness provided by JavaScript augmentations. 

  • Semantic UI 

Semantic UI is an advanced front-end improvement structure controlled by LESS(CSS-preprocessor) and jQuery. It has a smooth, unobtrusive, and level plan look that gives a lightweight client experience. 

  • Ulkit 

UIkit is a lightweight and measured front-end structure for growing quick and incredible web interfaces.

(If the CSS interview questions specify to name the frameworks, then only name them, if it says to name and explain, you will have to explain each framework.)

  • From numerous points of view, can CSS be incorporated as a website page?

CSS can be incorporated three: 

Inline: Style characteristics can be utilized to have CSS applied HTML components. 

Inserted: The Head component can have a Style component inside which the code can be put. 

Connected/Imported: CSS can be set in an outer document and connected through the interface component. 

  • Contrast RGB esteems and Hexadecimal colour codes? 

A colour can be determined to: 

  • A colour is addressed by 6 characters, for example, hexadecimal shading coding. It is a mix of numbers and letters and is gone before by #. e.g., g  
  • A colour is addressed by a combination of red, green and blue. The worth of shading can likewise be indicated. e.g., RGB(r,g,b): In this kind, the qualities can be in the middle of the whole numbers 0 and 255. RGB(r%,g%,b%): red, green and blue rate is shown. 

Intermediate CSS interview questions and answers

  • Enrol the media types CSS permits? 

The plan and customisation of records are delivered by the media. By applying media command over the outer templates, they can be recovered and utilised by stacking them from the organization.

  • Separate legitimate labels from actual labels?

While actual labels are additionally alluded to as presentational increases, consistent labels are futile for appearances. 

Actual labels are more up to date forms, while consistent labels are old and focus on content.

  • Depict ‘ruleset’? 

Ruleset: Selectors can be joined to different selectors to be distinguished by the ruleset. 

It has two sections: 

Selector, for example, R and 


  • Remark looking into the issue of affectability of CSS? 

In spite of the fact that there is no case-affectability of CSS, all things considered, textual style families, URLs of pictures, and so forth is. Just when XML assertions alongside XHTML DOCTYPE are being utilized on the page, CSS is the case-touchy. 

  • Characterize Declaration block? 

A list of headings inside supports consisting of property, colon and worth is called a presentation block. 

e.g.: [property 1: esteem 3] 

  • Enrol the different text styles’ credits? 

They are:- 

  • Font variant 
  • Font style 
  • Font size 
  • Font family 
  • Font weight 
  • Icon 
  • Caption 
  • For what reason is it simple to embed a record by bringing in it? 

Bringing in empowers joining outside sheets to be embedded in numerous sheets. Various records and sheets can be utilized to have various capacities. Sentence structure: 

@import notation, utilised with <Style> tag. 

  • Clarify the term Responsive website design. 

For this CSS interview question, you could answer; It is a strategy wherein we plan and foster a site page as per the client exercises and conditions which depend on different segments like the size of the screen, the versatility of the page on the various gadgets, and so forth. It is finished by utilizing diverse, adaptable formats and matrices. 

  • What is CSS explicitness? 

CSS explicitness is a score or rank that chooses which style statement must be utilized to a component. (*) this widespread selector has low particularity while ID selectors have high explicitness. 

There are four classifications in CSS which approve the explicitness level of the selector. 

  • Inline style 
  • IDs 
  • Classes, Attributes, and pseudo-classes. 
  • Components and pseudo-components. 
  • How would we be able to ascertain explicitness? 

To ascertain explicitness, we will begin with 0, then, at that point, we need to add 1000 for every ID, and we need to add 10 to the traits, classes or pseudo-classes with every component name or pseudo-component, and later we need to add 1 to them.

  • Clarify the idea of specificity in CSS. 

Specificity is the means by which programs choose which CSS property estimations are the most pertinent to an element and, subsequently, will be applied. Particularity depends on coordinating with rules which are made out of various kinds of CSS selectors. 

Particularity is a weight applied to a given CSS revelation, dictated by the quantity of every selector type in the coordinate with the selector. When numerous affirmations have equivalent particularity, the last assertion found in the CSS is applied to the component. Particularity possibly applies when a similar component is focused on by different affirmations. According to CSS rules, straightforwardly designated elements will consistently overshadow rules which a component acquires from its ancestor.

  • Enrol the different Media types utilized? 

Diverse media has various properties as they are case coldhearted. 

They are: 

Aural – for sound synthesisers and discourse 

Print – gives a review of the substance when printed 

Projection- extends the CSS on projectors. 

Handheld- utilises handheld gadgets. 

Screen-PCs and PC screens.

Advanced CSS interview questions and answers 

  • What is a contextual selector? 

The selector used to choose exceptional events of a component is called the relevant selector. Space isolates the individual selectors. Just the last component of the example is tended to in this sort of selector. 

  • How will you explain the difference between and ? 

Display: none implies that the tag being referred to won’t show up on the page by any stretch of the imagination (even though you can, in any case, associate with it through the DOM). There will be no space designated for it between different labels. 

Visibility: hidden implies that not at all like display: none, the tag isn’t apparent, yet space is distributed for it on the page. The tag is delivered; it isn’t seen on the page. 

  • What are the advantages of utilizing CSS Sprites? 

This is one of the most important CSS interview questions asked; CSS sprites accompany their benefits. Here are a few of CSS sprites– 

Diminish the number of HTTP demands for different pictures (just one solicitation is required per sprite sheet). In any case, with HTTP2, stacking different pictures is not, at this point, a lot of an issue. 

Advance downloading of resources that will not be downloaded until required, for example, pictures that just show up upon: float pseudo-states. Flickering wouldn’t be seen.

  • Clarify box-sizing? 

The box-sizing property characterizes how the width and tallness are determined – should they incorporate cushioning and borders or not. 

There are four potential worth of box-estimating – 

  • Content-box – This is Default. The width and tallness properties incorporate just the substance. Boundary and cushioning are excluded. 
  • Border box- The width and tallness properties (and min/max properties) incorporate substance, cushioning, and boundary. 
  • Initial-  It Sets this property to its default esteem. 
  • Inherit- gets this property from its parent component.
  • Clarify em, rem unit, vh and vw?
  • em – comparative with the text dimension of the component. 4em means multiple times the size of the current textual style. In the event that the text dimension is 16px, it will be equivalent to 1em. 
  • so 2em will be 32px. 
  • rem – Relative to text dimension of the root component 
  • vh – Relative to 1% of the stature of the viewport 
  • vw – Relative to 1% of the width of the viewport

(The interviewer could ask you this CSS interview question to see if you can differentiate between the different terms.)

  • Clarify the idea of Tweening. 

Tweening is the cycle wherein we make moderate edges between two pictures to get the presence of the primary picture, which forms into the subsequent picture. 

It is chiefly utilised for making liveliness. 

  • Define CSS picture scripts. 

CSS picture scripts are a gathering of pictures that are put into one picture. It diminishes the worker’s heap time and solicitation number while extending different pictures into a solitary website page.

  • What are inclinations in CSS?

It is a property of CSS which allows you to show a smooth change between at least two of the two indicated colours. 

There are two kinds of inclinations that are available in CSS. They are: 

  • linear  Gradient 
  • radial Gradient


  • What is a CSS flexbox? 

It allows you to plan an adaptable, responsive format structure without utilizing any buoy or situating property of CSS. To utilise the CSS flexbox, you need to characterise a flex compartment at first.

CSS3 interview questions and answers

  • Differentiate CSS2 and CSS3. 

This is a commonly asked CSS interview question. 

The contrasts somewhere in the range of CSS2 and CSS3 are as per the following: 

CSS3 is partitioned into two different areas, which are known as a module. Though in CSS2, everything agrees into a solitary record with all the data in it. 

CSS3 modules are upheld practically on each program, and then again, modules of CSS and CSS2 are not upheld in each program. 

In CSS3, we will track down that numerous design-related attributes have been presented like Border-sweep or box-shadow, flexbox. 

In CSS3, a client can exact various foundation pictures on a page by utilizing properties like foundation picture, foundation position, and foundation rehash styles.

  • What is the contrast among twofold and single colon documentation in pseudo-component “::” and “:”? 

In CSS1 and CSS2, The single-colon language structure was utilized for both pseudo-classes and pseudo-components. 

In any case, in CSS3 for pseudo-component, twofold colon documentation supplanted single colon documentation. 

For reverse similarity, the single-colon grammar is satisfactory for CSS2 and CSS1 pseudo-components.

  • What are Pseudo-components? 

Pseudo-components are used to add embellishments to certain selectors. CSS is used to apply styles in HTML. Now and again, when additional increase or styling isn’t workable for the archive, then, at that point, there is a component accessible in CSS known as pseudo-components. It will permit an additional increase to the report without upsetting the genuine record.

They can be utilized for enhancement (:first-line: first-letter) or adding components to the markup (joined with content: …) without changing the markup (: previously: after).

:first-line and:first-letter can be utilized to enrich the text.

Three-sided bolts in tooltips use: previously and: after. This supports the partition of concerns in light of the fact that the triangle is viewed as a piece of styling and not the DOM. It’s not conceivable to draw a triangle with just CSS styles without utilizing an extra HTML component.

HTML interview questions and answers 

  • What is meant by cascading? How do style sheets cascade? 

CSS achieved a change in web improvement and how individuals see the way toward building a site. Preceding the presence of CSS, components must be styled in an in-line design or the style were executed in the head part of an HTML page. This was changed because of the cascading of CSS. Here are the three significant ways CSS cascade: 

elements  – a similar CSS style can be applied to different components to accomplish a similar style. 

Different Style One Element – Multiple styles can be applied to a specific HTML component to accomplish a remarkable style. 

Same style, Multiple Pages – The equivalent template can be applied to various HTML pages out and out to accomplish a format styling rapidly.

  • Separate Style Sheet idea from HTML? 

While HTML gives a simple design strategy, it needs styling, not at all like Style sheets. Additionally, templates have better program capacities and designing alternatives. 

Style Sheets interview questions and answers

  • What advantages and negative marks do External Style Sheets have? 


  • One record can be utilized to control various reports having various styles. 
  • Numerous HTML components can have numerous records, which can have classes. 
  • To bunch styles in composite circumstances, techniques as selector and gathering are utilized. 

Negative marks: 

  • The extra download is expected to import reports having style data. 
  • To deliver the record, the outside template ought to be stacked. 
  • Not common sense for little style definitions.


  • Talk about the benefits and bad marks of Embedded Style Sheets? 

Benefits of Embedded Style Sheets: 

  • Numerous label types can be made in a solitary archive. 
  • Styles, in complex circumstances, can be applied by utilizing Selector and Grouping strategies. 
  • The extra download is superfluous. 

Bad marks of Embedded Style Sheets: 

Different archives can’t be controlled. 

CSS Box Model interview questions and answers

  • Clarify the CSS Box Model and its various components. 

The CSS box model portrays the rectangular boxes produced for components in the report tree and spread out as per the visual arranging model. Each case has a substance region (for example, text, a picture, and so forth) and a discretionary encompassing cushioning, boundary, and edge regions. 

The CSS box model is answerable for ascertaining: 

  • How much space a block component takes up. 
  • Regardless of whether borders, as well as edges, cover, or breakdown. 
  • A box measurement. 

The box model has the accompanying guidelines: 

  • The elements of a block component are determined by the width, stature, cushioning, lines, and edge. 
  • On the off chance that no height is determined, a block component will be pretty much as high as the substance it contains, in addition to cushioning. 
  • On the off chance that no width is indicated, a non-drifted block component will extend to fit the width of its parentless cushioning. 
  • The stature of a component is determined by the substance’s tallness. 
  • The width of a component is determined by the substance’s width. 

Naturally, padding and boundaries are not pieces of the width and height of a component.

  • What is the CSS Box Model, and what are its components? 

This case characterises the plan and design of components of CSS. The components are: 

  • Margin: the topmost layer, the general construction is shown 
  • Border: the cushioning and content alternative with a line around it is shown. Background shading influences the boundary. 
  • Padding: Space is shown. Background shading influences the boundary. 
  • Content: Actual substance is shown. 

Class selector interview questions and answers

  • What is the use of a Class selector? 

Selectors that are novel to a particular style are called CLASS selectors. Statement of style and relationship with HTML can be made through this. Punctuation: 


It may very well be A-Z, a-z or digits. 

.top , class selector 

<Body class= “top”> this class is related with component </body>

  • Separate Class selector from ID selector? 

While a general square is given to the class selector, the ID selector inclines toward a solitary component varying from different components. As such, IDs are unique while classes are not. It’s anything but a component that has both class and ID.


To close, we believe you enjoyed this assortment of CSS Interview Questions. These inquiries have a high likelihood of being asked by your questioner. Ensure you are prepared with the appropriate responses.

This CSS interview question and answer rundown will assist you with breaking the Web engineer meet for fresher as well as experience level. These are the common CSS interview questions posed in the meeting. We trust this will assist you with acing your forthcoming web-improvement interviews.

More Resources : Android developer resume sample | Top 10 Android Interview questions | Full stack developer Interview questions | Salesforce developer interview questions

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