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Home > Salary NegotiationHow to make your social media profiles recruiter-friendly

How to make your social media profiles recruiter-friendly

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The Philippines is one of the world’s most social countries, with its people spending the most amount of time on average on the internet – either via a laptop, desktop or mobile device. It’s not surprising, therefore, that recruiters and headhunters have upped their social media game to find key talent and screen applicants for jobs around the country.

If a recruiter was to come across your social media profiles today, how would they react? Are your profiles up to scratch? Are they employer-friendly? Do your pages show the best side of you, and the ‘real’ you?

Have a decent display photo
Your profile picture is the first thing the recruiter will see once he or she opens your account. Although you don’t need to have a professionally-taken photo, you should at least choose a decent looking one. A photo of you dancing in a club drinking a cocktail isn’t going to cut it, nor will it scream “I am employable” to a recruiter or potential new boss.

Delete offensive posts
Or better yet, don’t post offensive content at all! Yes, your social media accounts exist so you can express yourself, but if you really want to get the job you recently applied for, it won’t hurt to tweak your profile a bit. Remember those drunken photos you and your friends took at the Palace Pool Club last month? Delete them. Read back your previous tweets and status updates. If there’s anything there you wouldn’t want an employer to read, then get rid of it.

Share relevant content
Show you know your stuff by sharing and discussing helpful and relevant content. If you work in marketing, tweet about the latest industry happenings and share interesting articles. Of course, you should also actually read them to stay on top of your field, but any employer looking through your social profiles will be pleased to see you’re someone who cares about their industry and career.

Follow experts in your field
Will a recruiter take you seriously if they check your Twitter account and see you’re following a bunch of celebs and cute cats? By all means include those follows, but try and engage with relevant experts in the field you work in, too. Connecting with thought leaders can boost your own profile, plus you can actually learn a lot from them! This engagement will show recruiters how truly interested you are in the field you’ve chosen.

Be truthful about your details
Last but not the least, make sure that every single piece of information you place on your accounts is true. Whatever is stated on social media should match your current resume – no half truths and blatant lies! While you might think it’s funny to lie about where you went to school or add a fake degree, it can really work against you in the long run. Stick with the facts.

Got your social profiles sussed? Why not search for a role in social media?

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