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Home > Interview Questions​10 questions that you should prepare for your next VB.net Interview

10 questions that you should prepare for your next VB.net Interview

10 questions that you should prepare for your next VB.net Interview

A Windows-based computer programming language VB.net (visual basic.net) presents an excellent opportunity for professionals looking to make a career in programming. If you’re scheduled for an interview, we have designed a list of important VB.net questions to help you succeed in your next interview.

Here is a list of top ten interview questions that you can expect at your VB.net interview.

1. What is your understanding of .net framework?

Irrespective of your experience in vb.net language, this is a frequently asked question at interviews. You need to explain that the .net framework is a collection of different classes and services and exists as a layer between .net applications and the underlying operating system. Also, talk about how.net framework consists of different web forms, window forms, and console applications.

2. What is Array List in vb.net?

Explain that the Array List in vb.net represents an ordered collection of an object that can be indexed individually. In simpler terms, it is an alternative to an array with a difference where you can add and remove items from a list at a specified position using an index and the array resizes itself automatically.

3. Explain the term CLR in context of VB.net?

This is a common question that is asked at the VB.net interviews. You need to explain that CLR or Common Language Runtime is a crucial aspect of the .NET framework. It is responsible to take care of the code execution of the program including code verification, garbage collection, code access security, and intermediate language (IL).

4. List down the differences between Vb.net and Vb6?

The question is asked to check your understanding of the language. There are a few important differences that you need to explain here including:

• While vb6 is a scripting language, vb.net is a programming language.
• Unlike vb6 Vb.net is an object-oriented language.
• While vb6 used ADO as a data access technology and record-sets to implement data access applications, vb.net uses ADO.NET and datasets to build data access applications.
• Unlike vb6 Vb.net supports multiple versions and multithreading.

5. Explain data type conversion in VB.Net?

With such questions, the interviewer is trying to assess your previous knowledge of the language. Explain that the process of converting one variable type to another is known as the data type conversion. This is sometimes also known as casting in VB.NET. 

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6. What do you understand by Global Assembly Cache (GAC)?

As an experienced VB.net professional, you’re expected to be familiar with various terminologies used in the language such as GAC, CTS, serialization, CLS, etc. You need to explain that GAC or Global assembly cache is used where shared .NET assembly resides. Below are the criteria for using GAC:

• If.net application has to be shared with other applications.
• If.net assembly has any special security requirements.

7. What is the difference between ‘system.string’ and ‘system.string builder’ classes?

While the ‘system.string’ class creates a new string object, updating in the same string object is possible for string builder class instead. Also, the operation of a string builder is much faster and efficient as compared to the string class.

8. What are satellite assemblies in Vb.net?

A satellite assembly is a DLL that contains only resource strings. Satellite assemblies in vb.net are used for localising the resources of the application.

9. What is garbage collection in the context of vb.net?

This is another frequently asked question at vb.net interviews. You need to explain that garbage collection is a low-priority process in vb.net that serves as an automatic memory manager. The main purpose of this is to manage the allocation and release of memory for the applications

10. Explain the meaning of delegate in .NET?

A delegate in vb.net is very similar to a function pointer in C or C++ language. It allows the programmer to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object. Additionally, it can be used to create a custom event within a class.

Apart from these, some of the other commonly asked VB.net interview questions include

a. How many .NET languages can a single .NET DLL contain?
b. List down the differences between C# and VB.Net languages.
c. Explain ReDim keyword and its use.
d. What are the differences between an Interface and an Abstract Class in .NET
e. Explain the terms IL, MSIL, CLI and JIT in context of vb.net.
f. Explain the purpose of Get Type operator in VB.NET.
g. What do you understand by Code Security?
h. What is the difference between the Stack and the Heap?
i. Explain INTERNAL keyword in.Net Framework. 

Looking for VB.net Jobs in top cities? Click at the links below:

VB.net Jobs in Bengaluru
VB.net Jobs in Mumbai
VB.net Jobs in Chennai
VB.net Jobs in Hyderabad
VB.net Jobs

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